Monday, December 12, 2011

Baby Payton is here!

You probably already knew that... but we are proud, proud parents to Payton Dawn Routh!! She arrived 12/6/11 at 12:07 pm, weighing in at 7 lbs. 10 oz. and measuring 20 in. Here's my favorite picture of our baby girl (so far!):
Our birth experience with Payton was mostly a very easy one. We arrived at the hospital at 5 am (after waking up at 4 to shower and make sure we had everything we needed!), and I was settled by 7 am. Although being asked 10, 000 questions and having to be stuck THREE times for my IV kinda sucked (I still have the nasty bruises to prove it...), Kyle and I were comfortable enough to play a couple games of Backgammon (weird, I know) and watch The Office. The contractions started coming on a little stronger and was given half a dose of pain medicine until my doctor would approve my epidural. I ended up having to ask for the second half pretty soon after... my contractions started coming on SO strong and SO fast that I couldn't think of any else but "EPIDURAL. NOW." I don't even remember if 5 minutes passed or an hour and half passed before the pain subsided... I'm so, so grateful for our anesthesiologist! We actually know him from our time in Memphis, and were so excited that he was the one at the hospital that day!! It made getting stuck with a huge needle a little easier to handle since we knew our doctor! We got to hang out for maybe an hour and a half before it was time to push... I was so glad to have a little bit of time to chill before the action began. I think it only took about 15 minutes of pushing (compared to about 2 1/2 hours with Park-man!) before we welcomed Payton into the world!! We spent one night in the hospital and woke up to a beautiful snowy day... what a special memory! We couldn't stop thinking about going home so we did just that. I couldn't wait to have my little family all together so my doctor and Payton's doctor agreed to let us go!

This is the closest thing we have to a family picture right now.. Park-man is still a little unsure of his baby sister! He's given her numerous gentle little kisses, but holding her seems a little scary to him right now.

He's the cutest Big Bro that I know!

My baby girl.

She already loves her Daddy... and let me take a second to brag on my sweet husband. I can't even begin to tell how helpful, loving, and supportive Kyle's been... changing Payton AND Parker's poopy diapers, making dinner, setting up train tracks, MAKING a ramp for Parker's trains and cars, letting me sleep in, making me coffee, and the list keeps going... thanks Babe!

I look forward to doing a newborn picture comparison post of Parker and Payton. As many differences as their little faces have, we can definitely see similarites, too!

Thanks to all for prayers and kind words for us the past week and a half. We feel so, so blessed by everyone of them!


  1. Woo Hoo!!! She is absolutely beautiful!! So happy for your sweet family!!

  2. I've teared up reading this sweet post. Ahhh! She's so precious! I can't believe you have a sweet baby girl! Cannot wait to meet her! I'm so glad your birth experience was fairly smooth.

    I thought about you guys waking up to snow the day you got to take her home. How special! Merry Christmas to the Rouths!

  3. Jessie, I am so so happy for y'all! Your little Payton is beautiful, and even more than that it is just awesome the incredible blessing your 2 kiddos spite of the poppy diapers. :) says the one who doesn't have kids yet, I know, but I'm serious...and I'm glad Kyle is taking such good care of you! LOVE & MISS you!
