This little guy is growing. And growing. And growing. I can hardly keep up with him! I thought it had to do with the little one inside of me, but Parker's most recent doctor's appointment confirmed my suspicion... he is now in the 101st percentile for weight and 92nd for height. Yes, you read that right. This kid is going to make my arms fall off... poor Payton probably wonders what I'm trying to do to her when I hold Park-man! Thank goodness Parker likes to run and play so my arms (and Payton!) get a break. Here's what he's been up to lately...
Parker LOVES football. He LOVES to wear his jersey. He LOVES watching it with Daddy on Saturdays (and Sundays, Mondays, Thursdays, and high school football on Fridays... ). With 2 boys and 1 girl in the house right now, I'm outnumbered. But not for long!!! Let's just hope Payton likes to watch HGTV... :)
Parker cheesin'. Can you tell he likes to show off for the camera??
Yes, he's sitting on the toilet. No, he's not potty-trained yet. He just randomly wanted to sit on the potty and actually went!! He's had no more interest since, but I guess that's moving in the right direction! Let's just say I was pretty proud of my big boy!
Playing Ring-around-the-rosy at the park on a beautiful day!
Another day at the park! We took a picnic lunch one day recently and had SO much fun! Hasn't the weather been AMAZING?!
Parker's been really good at having conversations on the phone recently! He always tilts his head to the side like this... he's pretty funny to watch and listen to!
Another cheese-ball face.
Our Park-man is growing up! Along with getting bigger, he's learned SO much in the past few months. He surprises us almost daily with a new word or phrase, and we are LOVING being able to carry on actual conversations! He sings a lot, jumps a lot, dances a lot, falls down after jumping and dancing a lot, plays ball a lot (any kind)... all of that to say, we are busy with this little guy. And we can't wait to add another to the mix!! :)
He is so adorable! Love it!!