Thursday, April 28, 2011

Parker and Easter

I haven't posted in FOREVER. It basically means I keep forgetting to take pictures of our family adventures... but here are a few glimpses of the our lives the past couple weeks. (Actually there are more pictures of Parker than anyone... so here's what Parker's been up to!)

Kyle took a trip to Cherokee, NC to prepare for the youth mission trip this summer (This is the first mission trip for many of our students! I'm so excited for Kyle and these students to be a part of this ministry. Prayers accepted!), and came back with a souvenir for our little guy. He was singing a Native American song...
This is Parker's "I'm just cute" pose.
My first nephew. He's one smart little guy! I always have fun with Eli!
My youngest nephew. THE cutest little guy! I love Jude's personality!
One day recently Parker joined me on the couch to watch a show... before I knew it, he had passed out! BEFORE lunch... that NEVER happens!!
Easter morning! This is his first easter basket from us... we just didn't get around to it last year. He was also only 7 months I didn't feel too bad.
First order of business? Eat candy.
I think he was saying, "COOOOL!"
First big baseball bat!
I thought I was catching him at a good time...apparently he was too cranky still.
Can you believe this is the best picture I got of Parker in his Easter outfit?? I told you I wasn't very good with taking pictures!
The Winebrenners, Aly, my dad (Papa formerly Pablo), and Kyle's parents (Nanna and Doc) joined us for Easter lunch this year! We missed you, Mom (Mammy)! We had SO much fun! And the boys were so cute together... they did pretty good all eating together at the picnic table!
My cute sissies. They actually are cute. I know the picture doesn't reflect that... haha, just kidding guys. You're still cute even though you were making dumb-dumb faces...
Just playing...
Can't wait to find the Easter eggs!!!
The search is on...
Eager for more!
Found one!

I failed to get a sister picture or even a family picture!! I was terrible this year... but we have our memories right?? We had a wonderful Easter spent with family, and most importantly we got to celebrate our Risen King!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Zoo and such.

Kyle "surprised" Parker and I with a trip to the zoo on Friday! (I say "surprised" because he decided that morning that we would go...I guess you could say he surprised himself, too!) It was a beautiful day so we were really excited to spend some time outside! This was Parker's first trip to the Memphis Zoo!! He's been to the Toronto Zoo and the Jackson Zoo, but I couldn't wait to bring him to see the Memphis animals!!
Kyle and Parker with the "RAWR" a.k.a. Tiger. Parker LOVED Cat Country!
I was so excited to see the Flamingoes...but it was pretty anti-climatic. They stunk like crazy making it unbearable to stay nearby for very long.
My big boy and I with the giraffes! Parker calls them "Affes".
I can't really remember what they were looking at here...but this is cute anyway!
The Polar Bear!! I always love seeing them, but I don't think Parker could see them well...that or he was getting tired and didn't care anymore!
At the sea lion show! Parker only lasted for 5 minutes before he needed to get up and roam... but Kyle and I needed a break so we stayed the whole time!
We should have visited "Once Upon a Farm" earlier in the day... everyone was pretty tired at this point so we just quickly walked around to see the "Baaaa's" and the "Oinks".
Every other Sunday night our church meets in various homes for Fellowship Groups while the kids hang out at the church to read, play, plant a garden (they really do!! It's pretty awesome.), eat, and of course fellowship! We have SO many children that name-tags are a must. Parker decided that he LOVED his "sick-er" and smiled for me a little bit!
Then he started singing! :) Look at those flared nostrils...
P.S. I do not send him half-naked to church... just in case you were worried!
Parker in his cute saftey glasses!
That didn't last long...
Parkie-man and his daddy at the new South Depot Taco Shop in Oxford. We loved it and can't wait to go back!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

This week with Parker...

My little guy is talking more and more every day... it's so fun to hear him jabbering in baby talk and then hear him throw in a real word! A lot of times I will hear him say or repeat something that I had no clue he could say! I love hearing his growing vocabulary! :)
"Mooommm...leave me alone!"
He was probably saying "choo-choo" of his favorite..
Parker is a HUGE fan of Sesame Street so it's no surprise that he knows "Cookie" for Cookie Monster... I found him doing exactly what Cookie does when he eats a cookie (you know, fumbling it around in his hands and stuffing it his mouth while it falls apart...) while saying, "Cookie, cookie, cookie, cookie..." Sesame Street IS educational, but here's one hilarious yet bad influence!
Here's the aftermath...
Parker immediately said "CHEEEESE" when he saw the camera... what a ham! Loves attention!
Silly boy.
I love my guy...

Spiced Pumpkin Smoothie!

I told my sister about this one, and she said, "Gross." Haha, I understand that sentiment. Smoothies are normally fruity and sweet, right? If you remember my last smoothie post, I talked about Real Simple's February 2011 issue having a bunch of different smoothie recipes. This is another one! What made me try it? I wanted a smoothie, I had all of the ingredients already, and I like pumpkin! it goes:

1 cup ice
1/2 cup whole milk (I assume any milk would do..)
1/3 cup pumpkin puree
1 Tbsp. honey
pinch of ground nutmeg
pinch of cinnamon (I added this!)
Directions are simple.
Put all ingredients in a blender (again, my ninja is AWESOME.), and blend until frothy.
I swirled a little extra honey and sprinkled a little more cinnamon on top. Drinks are always more fun with decorations! :)

Next time I will probably put more pumpkin in mine and a little less milk. Or maybe... use plain yogurt instead! I may also use a little extra cinnamon. I love how versatile smoothies are. You can use almost ANYTHING!

Do you have a favorite smoothie recipe? I wouldn't mind trying new ones!

Friends come to town!

Kyle and I had the honor of hosting two amazing people at our house for the weekend! Michelle and Drew are very, very good friends that we grew close to while they lived in Oxford. We were so, so sad to see them move, but we LOVE that they are only a couple hours away so they can come visit and we can go see them!

Friday night we all ate dinner together and just talked about life now-a-days. After Park-man went to bed, Kyle and Drew caught up a little bit (a.k.a. played X BOX...haha, I do have to point out that they DID conquer a "level" or game that they had been working hard on beating last time they were together...Michelle and I were so proud!). Michelle and I enjoyed hearing about the goings-on of each others lives and just enjoyed hanging out again!

Saturday, we all got to witness a BEAUTIFUL wedding ceremony of good friends at our church. It was so exciting to see such amazing people join together in marriage. I loved getting to be there! The reception was absolutely perfect, and we got to enjoy catching up with more good friends that have moved away (miss y'all KC and Baskin!). Although I didn't get any pictures with the beautiful bride or our whole "supper club", here are a few to enjoy:
Michelle is such a sweet friend!
Cool guys!
I love this! Thanks so much for staying with us Michelle and Drew! We can't wait to see y'all again!