Thursday, June 30, 2011


I LOVE my cousins. I have so many fun memories of cousin time, and I always look forward to seeing them! (Hint, hint to all my cousins... come out and see us in Mississippi!!! :) We miss you!!) I really, really hope my kids treasure the time they have with their cousins as much as my sisters and I did. Here's a little glimpse into a some recent cousin time:
Park-man and his cousins. They are a year older and two months younger than Parker!
This is what they do best: make a mess! That and be loud and crazy...

Jude and his mama.

Parker thinks Eli is the coolest. For reals.
Their Papa spoils them with Happy Meals.
Reading time with Zanny! I can't believe they were so still!

We all went swimming, but this is the only shot I got... they were VERY good! Can't wait to do it again!

Parker misses his cousins, "E-I and Ju-Ju"!


  1. Great pics! Hanging out with COUSINS always creates the greatest memories!! Thanks for sharing the pics of all of the handsome little guys!

  2. I love these pictures of them together!! I rarely ever saw my cousins growing up, but LOVED every minute of it. They are going to be so thankful for each other one day!!!
