Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Parker's growing up!

No.. he's not potty-trained yet.

BUT. He will be sleeping in his new big, BIG boy bed (his big boy bed is the bed that Kyle made him I showed you here) very soon.
One of Parker's Christmas presents from his Nanna and Doc was new bedding for his bunkbed! Poor kid... his mama took FOREVER to find the PERFECT bedding. BUT, I'm so glad I did... I think we are all very happy with what we found.
Close-up of his cute Alphabet sheets!

The full view.
(Keepin' it real... this is "neatly made" in our house.. we are usually doing well to have the blankets off the floor... 8I think we only make our beds when we have visitors. Which isn't really keepin' it real I guess... I'm guilty of wanting people to think I am a tidy person, and I am SO not. So, now if you come over to my house and see beds neatly made, you'll know better.)

Back to the point.

I knew I wanted to find a comforter that would "grow" with him and last longer than his toddler years. I looked EVERYWHERE... and FINALLY found one (online) at the Land of Nod. The green one was RANDOMLY $40 cheaper than normal.. It's washable and can also be used as a duvet insert! Score!

I also knew I wanted printed sheets since the comforter was a solid color... I kept googling (that's a real word.) kids' sheet sets, and found the Alphabet set on Amazon for $67. What?? I LOVED the print but didn't like the price. Bummer. BUT. After a quick google search for alphabet sheet sets I found THE EXACT SAME SET at Target. On Sale. For $25. How 'bout a WHOOP WHOOP! I'm not the only one excited... look at this face:
I'm not even kidding, this kid doesn't want to leave his new bed! He has already spent so much time just laying on his belly trying to find his favorite letters (O, W, and M... he knows them all, but ALWAYS points those three out...)!

All in all, I'm very pleased with what we found, and we have a little guy that can't wait for us to move his new bed into his room! Yay!

And since I can't leave her out of the post...

We love this happy little girl! She is currently trying so hard to get her way.. she will cry her sweet little, pitiful cry... and as soon as she sees us, she gives us the BIGGEST smile! It works a lot of the time because I can hardly leave her cute baby grin!

Ok, that's all. We've gotta get back to our letter search on the alphabet sheets! :)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

One Saturday Morning...

What do you do on a Saturday morning when you're tired and just want to go back to bed?

Take pictures of your fluffy-haired, sleepy little girl...

...and your full-of-energy, silly badilly Parker-man...

...and make the coolest paper airplanes...

...ever made in the history of mankind!!

It's probably because I grew up in a house of sisters (meaning barbies, dolls, playing house and school, etc...) but I didn't know it was so easy to make paper airplanes that fly really well!! I thought Parker would be impressed... but he kind of just wanted to tear them up. Oh well. I was excited about them!

Here are the tutorials I used:

Happy Saturday!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Breakfast Food. Delish.

Have you seen these on Pinterest? The Peanut Butter Banana Oatmeal Squares (longest name ever...) looked pretty good (and EASY) to me! I actually had some quiet time around the house today (what???) and decided to try them out! Our breakfasts have been pretty boring lately so I hoped these would be a nice little change for the next couple mornings. The recipe is found on a cute blog called Gingerbread Bagels. My bananas are WAY too green right now to even try and mush them so I had to improvise. I used 1/3 cup of canned pumpkin instead AND added a couple sprinkles of nutmeg. I was worried about the flavor of pumpkin mixed with peanut butter, but it was pretty good! I will say that they taste healthy, which means they are not really sweet. I ate one with peanut butter spread on top (like she suggests) AND some chocolate chips. That sort of defeated the purpose of "healthy"... but I'll eat an apple later. That evens it out right?? Anyway, I will definitely make these again mostly because they were SO easy. Maybe 10 minutes tops. Most of that time was spent digging through my messy spice cupboard...

Another great breakfast food we've tried recently... also a popular pin on Pinterest:
Two ingredient Pumpkin Muffins!

This links you to a blogger that said she got it from another blog that made it into a cake instead and that blog says she got it from someone else... so I wasn't sure who to give actual credit to... whatever... I gave SOMEONE credit... back to the muffins:

They are SO easy. AND delish. And if you want to make them three ingredient muffins, add some chocolate chips into the batter. You will NOT regret it. The longest part of the recipe is just putting the batter into the muffin tin! We made the whole batch, ate some for breakfast, and then froze the rest. They tasted just as good reheated! This recipe is SO worth it...

Now I'm going to eat another square...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Little Moments...

Just a little update.. before I forget about these little moments!

Papa came over recently! One of my dad's newer hobbies is making bread. Specifically, Our Best Bites' Focaccia Bread. If you've never made focaccia (or any bread for that matter), you HAVE to give this recipe a try! It's SO STINKIN' EASY. It's almost impossible to mess up! And if you like Macaroni Grill's bread, this is 10 times better! Seriously. OK, back the the pics...

My dad was teaching the kids how to make the bread... which in Papa's eyes means dipping fingers in EVERYTHING to taste it. Sugar, salt, oil, flour... needless to say, the boys LOVED it!

"What can we dip our fingers in next...?"

Family resting time...

Baby girl getting bundled up for a walk! Isn't her owl hat adorable?? Thanks, Leah!

Goin' for a walk!

In other news... I may or may not be "training" for the Warrior Dash 2012. I may or may not be extremely PUMPED about doing it. I may or may not have ever done anything like this before. I may or may not LOVE watching shows like the Real World/Road Rules Challenges and wonder if I would be able to do some of the physical challenges.. This may or may not be like a dream come true... Ok, enough of that.

That's life for now. BYE!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Dress for Payton!

Making clothes for baby girls is so much fun! Here's the first "dress" I made for her:
I found this old tunic-type shirt in my closet (which I had previously tried to turn into drapey-cardigan type thing... fail.), and the material was still in great shape! It's a very light, knit material with a satin sash that I knew I could put to good use! All I did was use the bottom section of the shirt and sewed it into a wide tube. I folded down the top (keeping the bottom hem), made a small tube around the waist, and put in a piece of elastic that I measured around her waist. Once I sewed the elastic in, all I had to do was combine the two pieces of the sash and tie it aroung the waist of the skirt. I paired it with a plain long-sleeved onesie to make it look like a dress, and that's it! I may eventually add something fun to her onesie, but for now here's the finished product:
My happy girl! She's so sweet to let me dress her up! I made two little rosettes and attached them to a little piece of elastic for her headband and cut off the foot portion of two of my knee-high socks for her baby legs. How about a free outfit?? :) I love shopping in my closet!

A close-up of her sweet chunky face. Love it!

My babies! Parker was so, so sweet to sit with his sissy.. these moments are very rare!

Payton and Parker.

Looking forward to more sewing adventures for my little girl!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


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Life lately...

It's been awhile since I posted last... life has been so busy for our family! Duh... I wouldn't change it for anything, though. We LOVE our little PayPay... late nights, leaky diapers, spit-up galore, and all! There have already been little challenges... like I have no idea how to take a 2-year-old and an infant into Wal-Mart by myself without having a panic attack (it hasn't happened yet... I just know that is BOUND to be the outcome...) I also haven't established a good schedule for us during the day... this results in Parker going a little longer than he needs to without a bath... ok, include me in that one too... just WARN ME before you want to come over so I can at least put a hat on and put some body spray on! Maybe that was t.m.i... anyway, the challenge is fun so far! Here are a few of the fun moments:
Payton's first real bath! Her cord took FOREVER to fall off so her first bath was at 3 1/2 to 4 weeks old.

Daddy attempting to entertain Parker! :)

My sweet Mother-in-law came to stay with us while Kyle and his dad went duck hunting for Kyle's birthday! Can you tell we had a good time?? :) I have the best mother- and father-in-law you could ever ask for! We always look forward to their visits!

Nanna and Payton playing Patty-cake! She was smiling like crazy!

We've been getting Cabin Fever A LOT lately... so we do a lot of jumping around the house...

...and more jumping...

...and even more jumping!

That is one cute kid! My Parker-man has been such a good big bro!

While Kyle's mom was here we decided to have a photo shoot with Payton! :) I am by no means a photographer and never will be... but we caught her looking so cute! So just excuse the photo quality!

Look at my big girl!! Doesn't she look so old here?? She's been holding her head up since the day she was born!

Payton's Mammy (my mom) gave her that sweet bracelet! I LOVE it!

Payton and the boa! You can't get much more girly than that!

Oh! I actually caught him in the bath! :) My mohawk boy.

Parker and Mommy being crazy!

Playing dress-up is fun even at 6 weeks old! :)

One of the headbands I made for Payton!

Kyle with his babies on his birthday! :) The best Daddy in the world! This is the only picture we got on Kyle's birthday! I'm glad it's a good one!!

Long enough post!! I hope to post a sewing/crafty post soon! I have a few headband ideas and a dress for Payton brewing! Stay tuned...