Kyle and I took our youth group to the Talladega National Forest to hike part of the Pinhoti Trail for spring break! We took 8 guys and 1 girl (plus Kyle and I), and we had a GREAT time! I was pretty nervous about this trip since I didn't know for sure if I would be going until the week before we left. ALSO. I was definitely not as physically prepared for a trip like this (don't laugh TOO hard, Rox and Aly... haha). We had to leave a day later than we had originally planned due to inclement in, THUNDERSTORMS. Before we officially decided to post-pone our starting day, I was imagining a group of 11 people on a mountain hiding from lightning, thunder, and torrential rain...and we were supposed to be protecting these kids?!?! (If you knew my history of freaking out in thunderstorms, you would maybe understand my ridiculousness.)
Our caravan left at 7 AM to start our journey...
Kyle's and my BEFORE picture...I was already lookin' rough.
Our good-lookin' group getting ready to master this trail.
I think we had to stop within like 10 steps of starting the trail so I thought it made sense to take a picture while I still had a little bit of energy.
Our first night. One of the boys decided to roast a vienna sausage over the camp fire so it "would taste smoked"... this was a pretty funny moment at the time... it may have been that "forest madness" all of the boys kept telling me I had... some people get "cabin fever", but I get "forest madness..."
We came upon this random old rusted truck!
The second day we came to a stream that couldn't be crossed without taking off shoes and boots and rolling up pant legs... it was pretty stinkin' cold!
It took a little bit to dry our toesies.
When you go backpacking, you get to eat GOURMET food. Like...Sandwich thins with Jiffy-to-go and fruit snacks. Don't hate! I didn't have any jelly!
A bunch of the guys next to a beautiful waterfall! These kind of moments kept us was so exciting to see something new!
My sweetie-poo... is a weirdo. Haha, love you, Kyle!
More camp-fire fun!
We FINALLY made it!!
Ains and I were so excited to just sit down and relax!!
Our first stop after we left the trail was Cracker Barrel! Here's my oh-so-healthy lunch that I scarfed down!
Our lovely group. Notice that everyone's glasses were empty... our waitress was GREAT!! We were just so parched (and also excited to drink something other than water...) that she couldn't keep up with us!
So there you have it. Backpacking Trip 2011. We hiked a total of 22-ish miles in 3 days. ( 7 miles the first day, 12 miles the second day, and a little over 3 miles the last day) Can't wait 'til next year!!! :)
Wow 22 miles! Thats awesome!!! Love the pictures!