Friday, March 4, 2011


My sister recently introduced me to what is now one of my favorite blogs: Kara Paslay Designs. I LOVE her style, she's very talented, and she has quite a few tutorials for you to follow!

I saw her post about her DIY busts and silhouettes, and I fell. in. love. I have loved silhouettes and busts for awhile but haven't had enough inspiration to move forward in making anything...until now! My absolute favorite is her Metal Bust. I didn't have any scrap metal, but i had a wire hanger! I knew I wouldn't be able to manipulate the hanger very well, but it was worth a try. it is:
It's not quite as elegant as hers, but I'm happy with it! I can't wait to paint the base (also inspired by another of Kara Paslay's projects...), and I think it (or she) will find its home on my bathroom counter...

P.S. The fabric flower is a new style of hair clip I'm working on to add to R+J Handmade... our shop is pretty empty right now, but we have plans to change that sometime soon! :)


  1. Impressive!! I think I want one in my bathroom!!

    I'll go ahead and pre-order a flower hair clip!!

  2. That's so cute, Jess! I must say that I love ALL of the things you make! You're one talented girly! Love you!

  3. Thanks, y'all! I'm having so much fun making stuff!

    Miss y'all Aunt Trina!

    Sounds good to me, Mary!! Let me know when you want one!
